
See week 45, month 11 or year 2022 or testing/Input Buffer

  • Potluck: Dynamic documents as personal software

  • Ink & Switch

    Ink & Switch is an independent research lab working on this problem. Our Research

    Potluck: Dynamic documents as personal software (2022) Crosscut: Drawing dynamic models (2022) Peritext: A CRDT for Rich-Text Collaboration (2021) Backchannel: A relationship-based digital identity system (2021) Cambria: Translate your data with lenses (2020) Pushpin: Towards Production-Quality Peer-to-Peer Collaboration (2020) Local-first software: You own your data, in spite of the cloud (2019) End-user programming: Empowered computing (2019) Muse: Designing a studio for ideas (2019) Pixelpusher: Real-time peer-to-peer collaboration with React (2018) Capstone: A tablet for thinking (2018) Slow software: Observations on latency (2018)