🔬 testing Lightning FS

Table of Contents

Bugs 🐜

  • wikiLinks and 404 behaviour results in incorrect/dangling lfs due to incorrect baseUrl.

Tour of the API

return lit.fs.readdir("/testing/log");

js> json !collapse
return lit.lfs.promises.writeFile('/testing/data.json', "{}", {encoding: 'utf8'})
js> json !collapse
return lit.fs.readFile('/doesntexist.json')
js> json !collapse
return lit.fs.readStat('/manifest.json')
js> json !collapse
return lit.fs
          .then(stat => [!!stat.local.value, !!stat.remote.value])
js> json !collapse
return lit.fs
          .catch(s => "404 Not Found")
js> json !collapse
return lit.fs
          .then(stat => stat)
js> diff !collapse
// https://github.com/kpdecker/jsdiff
const {root,src} = lit.location
const {join} = lit.utils.path
const filename = join(root,src)

const withStats = async stats => {
  const cp = lit.utils.diff.createPatch
  // const f = 
  const local = stats.local.value
  const remote = stats.remote.value
  const patch = cp(filename, local, remote)
  console.log(patch.split('\n').map(l=>'    '+l).join('\n'))
  return "logged patch"

const stats = lit.fs.readStat(filename, {encoding: 'utf8'})
return stats.then(withStats)
const path = "/throwaway/test.txt"
return lit.fs.writeFile(path, "content", {
  encoding: 'utf8',
  localOnly: true
txtUpdated 140.8w ago
{ type: 'element',
  tagName: 'cell',
  properties: { class: 'cell' },
   [ { type: 'element',
       tagName: 'pre',
       properties: {},
       children: [Object],
       position: [Object] },
     { type: 'element',
       tagName: 'pre',
       properties: {},
       children: [Object],
       position: [Object] } ],
   { start: { line: 155, column: 1, offset: 51462 },
     end: { line: 177, column: 4, offset: 52007 } } }


fs plugin

return lit.utils.momento
txtUpdated 140.8w ago
{ MsToRelative: [Getter], DatesToRelativeDelta: [Getter] }

Finder (local fs)

jsonUpdated 139.8w ago

Finder (from manifest)

Sync local|remote|origin

txtUpdated 131w ago
Synced 172/249 files in 6.866 seconds. Duds: 52 Errors: 8
{ duds: 
   [ '/testing/log/2021-w30.lit',
     '/testing/log/2021-w24.lit' ],
   [ '../plugins/menu/depth.js : Unable to normalize path - traverses above root directory',
     '../plugins/viewers/search.js : Unable to normalize path - traverses above root directory',
     '../plugins/transformers/prettier.js : Unable to normalize path - traverses above root directory',
     '../plugins/other/cors-proxy.js : Unable to normalize path - traverses above root directory',
     '../plugins/viewers/esm.js : Unable to normalize path - traverses above root directory',
     '../plugins/repls/module.js : Unable to normalize path - traverses above root directory',
     '../plugins/repls/search.js : Unable to normalize path - traverses above root directory',
     '../utils/git-commit-all.js : Unable to normalize path - traverses above root directory' ] }

⚠️ Emergency wipe


Clicking on the following link will prompt you to confirm you want to wipe the local file system!