
We consider existing frontmatter implementations Not backward compatable with basic Markdown. Primarily due to the fact that they are rendered at all (and badly) by renderers that do not support frontmatter. Therefor we define frontmatter as HTML Comments with a data prefix.

<!-- data
title: foo
Created at: some time in the pastLast Modified: recentlyAuthor: An Utopianinclude: /config.litbacklinks: title: Frontmatter

Currently only the following are actually processed by .lit


  • created at & updated at — these should be auto populated from actual file metadata
  • author
  • read only — prevent updates from having an effect, question is how to disable once set?
  • config/includes — more general purpose to compliment config and themes
  • backlinks — allow disabling backlinks display
  • tags
  • aka — alias’ for a document (useful? for backlink coalescing)

txtUpdated 137.7w ago
{ 'Created at': 'some time in the past',
  'Last Modified': 'recently',
  Author: 'An Utopian',
  include: [ '/config.lit' ],
  title: 'Frontmatter' }