See week 22, month 05 or year 2021
Subtext: markup for note-taking - Subconscious↗ taking notes
Link blocks (&) are the most important feature in Subtext. They let you reference other files, and URLs. You can link to any kind of file, including other Subtext files!
Nothing Breaks Like A.I. Heart↗
An essay about artificial intelligence, emotional intelligence, and finding an ending Story Pamela Mishkin with help from GPT-3
Visual Tool for Thoughts An infinite canvas for your notes, medias and web browsing.
Codex OS (@codexeditor) / Twitter↗
Creating the knowledge worker's OS.
The Agora is a distributed knowledge graph and experimental social network.
“... We need to become better at being humans. Learning to use symbols and knowledge in new ways, across groups, across cultures, is a powerful, valuable, and very human goal. ¶ And it is also one that is obtainable, if we only begin to open our minds to full, complete use of computers to augment our most human of capabilities.” — Douglas C. Engelbart
Glench/fuzzyset.js: fuzzyset.js - A fuzzy string set for javascript↗
Fuzzyset is a data structure that performs something akin to fulltext search against data to determine likely mispellings and approximate string matching.
Fuse.js is a powerful, lightweight fuzzy-search library, with zero dependencies