const importDefault = async (src) => import("" + src).then((m) => m.default); return (async (fn) => { const Editor = lit.utils.ReactEditor.default; const editorProps = lit.utils.ReactEditor.defaultProps; const Highlight = lit.utils.PrismReactRenderer.default; const highlightProps = lit.utils.PrismReactRenderer.defaultProps; // return { Editor, Highlight }; const React = lit.utils.React; const { Fragment, useState } = React; const exampleCode = ` (function someDemo() { var test = "Hello World!"; console.log(test); })(); return () => <App />; `; const styles = { root: { boxSizing: "border-box", fontFamily: '"Dank Mono", "Fira Code", monospace', }, }; const EditorExample = (props) => { const [state, setState] = useState({ code: exampleCode }); const onValueChange = (code) => { setState({ code }); }; const highlight = (code) => ( <Highlight {...highlightProps} code={code} language="jsx"> {({ className, style, tokens, getLineProps, getTokenProps }) => ( <Fragment> {, i) => ( <div {...getLineProps({ line, key: i })}> {, key) => ( <span {...getTokenProps({ token, key })} /> ))} </div> ))} </Fragment> )} </Highlight> ); return ( <Editor {...editorProps} value={state.code} onValueChange={onValueChange} padding={10} highlight={highlight} style={styles.root} /> ); }; return <EditorExample />; })();
const importDefault = async (src) => import("" + src).then((m) => m.default); return (async (fn) => { const Editor = await importDefault("react-simple-code-editor"); const Highlight = await importDefault("prism-react-renderer"); const theme = await importDefault("prism-react-renderer/themes/nightOwl"); return { Editor, Highlight, theme }; const React = lit.utils.React; const { Fragment, useState } = React; const exampleCode = ` (function someDemo() { var test = "Hello World!"; console.log(test); })(); return () => <App />; `; const styles = { root: { boxSizing: "border-box", fontFamily: '"Dank Mono", "Fira Code", monospace', ...theme.plain, }, }; const EditorExample = (props) => { const [state, setState] = useState({ code: exampleCode }); const onValueChange = (code) => { setState({ code }); }; const highlight = (code) => ( <Highlight theme={theme} code={code} language="jsx"> {({ className, style, tokens, getLineProps, getTokenProps }) => ( <Fragment> {, i) => ( <div {...getLineProps({ line, key: i })}> {, key) => ( <span {...getTokenProps({ token, key })} /> ))} </div> ))} </Fragment> )} </Highlight> ); return ( <Editor value={state.code} onValueChange={onValueChange} padding={10} style={styles.root} /> ); }; return <EditorExample />; })();
export const repl = async (src, meta) => { const { btoa } = lit.utils.safeEncoders; const { transform } = lit.utils; const filename = (meta && meta.filename) || "untitled.js"; let babel; try { babel = transform(filename, src); // So many hacks due to blob and/or data uri // - cachbusting comment // - rewrite imports urls to be absolute const s = `/*${}*/` + babel.code.replace( /HORRIBLE_HACK([^'"]+)/g, //location.href new URL(".", location.href).toString() + "$1" ); const console = "fake me"; // const url = `data:text/javascript;base64,${btoa(s)}` const url = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([s], { type: "text/javascript" })); const m = await import(url + "#location=" + location.href); if (typeof m.default === "function") { const res = await{ console }); return lit.utils.inspect(res); } else return lit.utils.inspect(m); } catch (err) { return err.message; } };
import Editor, {defaultProps as eprops} from ""; import Highlight, { defaultProps as hprops } from ""; // import theme from ""; // return { Editor, Highlight, theme }; const React = lit.utils.React; const { Fragment, useState } = React; const exampleCode = ` (function someDemo() { var test = "Hello World!"; console.log(test); })(); return () => <App />; `; const styles = { root: { boxSizing: "border-box", fontFamily: '"Dank Mono", "Fira Code", monospace', }, }; const EditorExample = (props) => { const [state, setState] = useState({ code: exampleCode }); const onValueChange = (code) => { setState({ code }); }; const highlight = (code) => ( <Highlight {...{hprops}} code={code} language="jsx"> {({ className, style, tokens, getLineProps, getTokenProps }) => ( <Fragment> {, i) => ( <div {...getLineProps({ line, key: i })}> {, key) => ( <span {...getTokenProps({ token, key })} /> ))} </div> ))} </Fragment> )} </Highlight> ); return ( <Editor {...eprops} value={state.code} onValueChange={onValueChange} highlight={highlight} padding={10} style={styles.root} /> ); }; export const returns = <EditorExample />;
Importing binding name 'defaultProps' is not found.
return lit.utils
{ inspect: { [Function: inspect] colors: { bold: [Object], italic: [Object], underline: [Object], inverse: [Object], white: [Object], grey: [Object], black: [Object], blue: [Object], cyan: [Object], green: [Object], magenta: [Object], red: [Object], yellow: [Object] }, styles: { special: 'cyan', number: 'yellow', boolean: 'yellow', undefined: 'grey', null: 'bold', string: 'green', date: 'magenta', regexp: 'red' } }, diff: { Diff: [Getter], diffChars: [Getter], diffWords: [Getter], diffWordsWithSpace: [Getter], diffLines: [Getter], diffTrimmedLines: [Getter], diffSentences: [Getter], diffCss: [Getter], diffJson: [Getter], canonicalize: [Getter], diffArrays: [Getter], applyPatch: [Getter], applyPatches: [Getter], parsePatch: [Getter], merge: [Getter], structuredPatch: [Getter], createTwoFilesPatch: [Getter], createPatch: [Getter], convertChangesToDMP: [Getter], convertChangesToXML: [Getter] }, React: { Fragment: {}, StrictMode: {}, Profiler: {}, Suspense: {}, Children: { map: [Function: mapChildren], forEach: [Function: forEachChildren], count: [Function: countChildren], toArray: [Function: toArray], only: [Function: onlyChild] }, Component: [Function: Component], PureComponent: [Function: PureComponent], __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED: { ReactCurrentDispatcher: [Object], ReactCurrentBatchConfig: [Object], ReactCurrentOwner: [Object], IsSomeRendererActing: [Object], assign: [Function: assign], ReactDebugCurrentFrame: [Object] }, cloneElement: [Function: cloneElementWithValidation], createContext: [Function: createContext], createElement: [Function: createElementWithValidation], createFactory: [Function: createFactoryWithValidation], createRef: [Function: createRef], forwardRef: [Function: forwardRef], isValidElement: [Function: isValidElement], lazy: [Function: lazy], memo: [Function: memo], useCallback: [Function: useCallback], useContext: [Function: useContext], useDebugValue: [Function: useDebugValue], useEffect: [Function: useEffect], useImperativeHandle: [Function: useImperativeHandle], useLayoutEffect: [Function: useLayoutEffect], useMemo: [Function: useMemo], useReducer: [Function: useReducer], useRef: [Function: useRef], useState: [Function: useState], version: '17.0.1' }, ReactDOM: { __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED: { Events: [Object] }, createPortal: [Function: createPortal$1], findDOMNode: [Function: findDOMNode], flushSync: [Function: flushSync], hydrate: [Function: hydrate], render: [Function: render], unmountComponentAtNode: [Function: unmountComponentAtNode], unstable_batchedUpdates: [Function: batchedUpdates$1], unstable_createPortal: [Function: unstable_createPortal], unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer: [Function: renderSubtreeIntoContainer], version: '17.0.1' }, PrismReactRenderer: { Prism: [Getter], default: [Getter], defaultProps: [Getter] }, ReactEditor: { default: { [Function: Editor] defaultProps: [Object] } }, unist: { select: { matches: [Function: matches], selectAll: [Function: selectAll], select: [Function: select] }, source: [Function: source], filter: [Function: filter], visit: { [Function: visit] CONTINUE: true, SKIP: 'skip', EXIT: false }, patchSource: { default: [Getter] }, selectPosition: { atPos: [Getter], selectAll: [Getter] } }, mdast: { to_string: [Function: to_string] }, momento: { MsToRelative: [Getter], DatesToRelativeDelta: [Getter] }, colors: { pickTextColorBasedOnBgColor: [Getter], stringToHex: [Getter] }, safeEncoders: { btoa: [Getter], atob: [Getter], b64EncodeUnicode: [Getter], b64DecodeUnicode: [Getter] }, fns: { NoOp: [Getter], Identity: [Getter], AsInt: [Getter], Undef: [Getter], getMeta: [Getter], posstr: [Getter], wait: [Getter], template: [Getter] }, path: { resolve: [Function: resolve], normalize: [Function: normalize], absolute: [Function: absolute], join: [Function: join], relative: [Function: relative], _makeLong: [Function: _makeLong], dirname: [Function: dirname], basename: [Function: basename], extname: [Function: extname], format: [Function: format], parse: [Function: parse], sep: '/', delimiter: ':', win32: null, posix: [Circular] }, querystring: { parse: [Function], decode: [Function], stringify: [Function], encode: [Function] }, vfile: [Function: VFile], delete: [Function: _delete], read: [Function: read] }